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Star stable

Star stable Free2Play

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  • Star stable screenshot
  • Star stable screenshot
  • Star stable screenshot
  • Star stable screenshot

Star stable F2P

Star Stable is a MMORPG built especially for those with a passion for horses and games. Players will ride their own horse through the huge 3D world, customise their character and horse, compete in different races and competitions, chat and help each other through challenges, mysteries, and horse adventures the game has to offer.

- huge 3D world to explore on horseback
- lots of interesting activities to join
- focus on fun and safety for children
- constantly growing and evolving game experience
- amazing storyline
- weekly updates
- free-to-play content as well as subscription membership option

The game begins with players creating their character and designing their own virtual horse. They will have the choice between many different appearances for both their character and their horse. The character and horse they choose will be partners and will ride together through the huge 3D world of Star Stable. Players will meet many others on their adventures and can help each other through the interesting mysteries hiding in Jorvik.

Between solving mysteries and being a part of the amazing Star Stable story, players can compete in many different races and competitions, trying to get the best time among their friends or even the fastest time ever. There are also daily assignments available for the different stable groups with the help of which players may improve their reputation in these areas to gain access to special clothes and equipment for their horse.

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